In this article, I’m going to share some tips that will keep you on track and achieving results in your business.
When we think of weight loss, we think of extra pounds. Those extra pounds are like the things in your business you never get to. The back room stuffed with old inventory, sales reports you never really looked at or compared year to year, the big ideas in your head you never actualize.
Yes, we can have the conversation about body image another time but I admit, I care about how I look and how I feel. Although I carried the extra weight well, I started to think, if I can do THIS with an extra 30 pounds, what could I do WITHOUT those extra pounds?
So, one day, with guidance from my son, Max @Maxweberfit, I began executing my business plan i.e. my plan for getting down to business and losing weight. Through the process, I lost weight but I also had some big gains. I learned so much in the process! I’m applying what I learned to my business and maybe it can help you achieve new goals in your business too.
Find what you love.
If you don’t love your work, your work won’t love you back no matter how hard you work at it. During my weight loss, I had to find activities I loved to do otherwise I would have quit going to the gym each day. So, if you are starting out as an entrepreneur, pick a business you love. If you love fashion, open a clothing store. If you love food, open a restaurant or write a blog. Dig deep, uncover your passion and stake your claim at the source of your enjoyment.
Work towards intensity.
For my weight training workouts, this meant consistently adding weights or reps each week. In your business, don’t get comfortable with what’s comfortable. Add intensity by developing new products, re-merchandising frequently, surveying customers for feedback, or shopping others in your space. If you maintain status quo, over time you will be like Blockbuster and Toys R Us, businesses that failed to intensify their commitment to their customer.
Use resources.
My son Max was my greatest resource. I also utilized technology like Nibble Nutrition. I knew I couldn’t do it alone and I knew there were things I didn’t know. My resources helped me learn and in doing so, enabled me to enable myself toward success. As a small business start-up, use the resources in the community. Use your network. Don’t be afraid to say, “This is where I want to go, can you help me get there?”
Surround yourself with people who are going your way.
Ever been on a diet AND go out with friends? It’s disastrous! Too many calorie dense foods and drinks. When you’re having a hard time with work, find people who understand being in the trenches. Surround yourself with people who do more than cheer you on out of obligation. Surround yourself with others who are doing it or have done it. One of the most motivating things we can offer each other is our failures. It allows others to see not only success but an understanding of all the work, sweat and discomfort that came before. Peloton was where I found positive support and motivation. Every day, I worked out alongside others, climbing hills and sprinting towards the finish line. Together, we ride far.
Be committed
To achieve your goal, you have to be committed, to play the long game. The first few days of my weight loss journey were a struggle but I was soon rewarded with a three pound weight loss! With that, I was hooked … for a few days. Then the scale didn’t move. It took all I had to stick to the plan of daily workouts and tracking macros. When starting a business, there are so many jobs, things to get organized, decisions to make. You work the plan and have an influx of sales and excitement at the grand opening. Then silence. You think, “Where are all the customers?” You begin to doubt yourself; was this a mistake? All I can say is stay committed. Push forward. Be committed to all that you believe to be.
Making Sense of it
Love what you do and be committed.
Surround yourself with people going your way.
Get the benefits from local resources and work towards intensity.
If you want some guidance implementing these practices into your business or just want to have a conversation about the extra weight in your business, I’d love to talk with you. Contact me at Maybe this inspires you to lose weight or just better manage your business or your life. However inspired, I say to you, “You can.” And “You will.”