In this article, I’m going to talk about gratitude and give you a few simple suggestions for how you can practice it in your business.
For many years, the entire Weber family of fifteen or more celebrated Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws. Dinner was enjoyed at one really, long table that edged it’s way out of the dining room and into the main hall. There was a mix of chairs from every room, crowded along the sides of the table with two of the smallest grand-kids seated at each end.
My mother-in-law always said the blessing. We didn’t spend a lot of time at the beginning of the meal going around the table to share words of thanks; you could just feel the gratitude. My in-laws were gracious, caring and loving towards others every day. They were some of the kindest people one could know. We all learned, by their example, how to live with kindness and gratitude everyday.
Studies have shown that practicing thanks every day brings greater happiness to one’s life. How do you practice gratitude every day? Some people find it fulfilling to end their day with a reflection of gratitude. Some like to keep a gratitude journal while others just mentally reflect each evening. I find gratitude to be even more powerful when practiced in real time.
Do you take a moment to see gratitude in the things you are about to do or are doing? If you have a retail store, turn the key and open the door each morning with an affirmation of gratitude. It could be as simple as “I am grateful to open the store for another glorious day.” A few simple words can create a positive outlook and attitude for handling the day ahead. Try a few phrases and find what feels right to you.
Sometimes as a business owner, there are problems and obstacles that affect our relationships with the people around us – our employees, our customers, our spouse, maybe even our kids. It’s really hard to show your appreciation for others when there are these problems lingering in the back of your mind. You are stressed and frustrated. It may seem counter-intuitive, but taking a moment to affirm your employee or spouse will help clear your mind for a productive and positive conversation. It can be as simple as adding in the conversation, “I hear what you said…” or “I understand your concern.….”. Be honest and open about your struggles and kindness will be returned to you.
I took a few hours to myself to see the film, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and cynical journalist Tom Junod. This is not a movie that will entertain you but it is a film to be experienced. The story will touch you, you will cry a tear or two, and you will be singing “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood” when you leave.
Brady Louis and his wife Renie were also seeing the film that day and we shared some thoughts afterwards. Through Brady’s work at WQLN, they had the pleasure of personally meeting Mr. Rogers. They both witnessed Fred Rogers speaking to a group of 150 and asking them to take a moment for reflection, very similar to a powerful scene in the movie. He did a similar thing during his 1997 acceptance speech when he received the Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award. "All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are," he said. Find time to see the movie and treat yourself. There are lots of lessons; you will find something of value. But more than anything, Fred Rogers showed each of us how unique and special we are.
Every type of business requires special people doing special jobs. Building a business isn’t done alone. It takes customers, suppliers, team members and more. So during this season of thanksgiving, remember those who have helped you, inspired you and never doubted you.
This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for my family, John and my four sons, who have been so supportive of my coaching business. I am grateful for you. For every business owner and person in business who shows up every day to do the work and get the job done. For hurdling over obstacles and risking more than most can imagine. I am grateful for those of you who read my blog each week to discover and learn something new. My hope is that you are inspired and empowered to seek your unique version of greatness and purpose in the work that you do.