When I work with entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners, there is always that moment when they get the “deer in headlights look” that says it all, “WTF did I get myself into! What was I thinking?” It’s that moment when the realization of all the work, all the decisions, all the risk begins to boil over, scorching their clear and ever present, wonderful idea they have for their business.
Now they’re scared. Do you remember being sacred? When I was a little girl, my dad took my siblings and I rock climbing. I don’t remember much about the experience but I can still see that big rock. It was probably two times as tall as me but I was so scared, I cried. Tears streaming down my face, I just didn’t want to do it. My dad kept reassuring me that it’s OK, he would climb right behind me. So I did it, scared. One step up, one hand hold at a time. When I got to the top and my dad congratulated me, I remember giving a little smile. But what I also remember is, “I’m never doing that again!”
To this day, I remember that sense of being so scared. At the time, I didn’t realize my Dad was teaching me more than just rock climbing. I learned I could overcome that fear. I learned that if I focused, accessed the situation, took it slow, and with support and help, I could do it.
If you are an entrepreneur or business start-up, you can apply the same simple tips, so you can do it scared and succeed.
Use Forward Focus
I remember looking up and seeing the top of the rock. I never looked back. I never looked down. I looked up and in the direction of forward movement. Be forward thinking with your business. Have a clear vision and stay focused on that. Know where you are headed. Make decisions that keep you moving forward.
Start each day asking yourself, “What can I do today that moves my business forward?” Don’t just ask yourself “what do I have to do today”; you must ask it with the purpose of moving forward. All of us get caught one day or another just doing things. We pat ourselves on the back for accomplishing so much. Weeks later we look at all the work we’ve done but realize our business is not any closer to where it needs to be. Maintain a forward focus and over time, progress will occur at a quickening pace.
Assess the terrain
Rock climbing requires a lot of full body strength as well as mental acuity. A climber does a lot of what-if calculations e.g. if I step there, then what. With each step, one gets a better view of the challenges ahead. One wrong step up and the climber realizes he missed an easier route.
Do the same with your business. Assess the business you are building. Think through the what-ifs. “If I sell this large order for less profit, can I afford the materials and maintain cash flow?” Know the options, assess all possibilities and move forward with your best educated decision.
Move slowly
Climbing takes endurance. You have to know the distance and balance the use of all muscle groups. Do the same in your business. Know who’s good at what. Avoid quick decisions. Gather all the data you have and make your moves wisely. Business is not a race. Unless you are building to scale quickly and sell, it’s not a sprint. Each decision you make that enhances your company’s ability to provide value and solutions will feed your community of customers. Little by little your sales will grow and word of mouth will spread, and there will be new sales and new customers.
Let others have your back
During my climb, my dad climbed right behind me. Actually, he climbed over me as I was tucked between him and the rock. He was there to help me look for hand holds, point out obstacles, and test footholds for loose rock. Make sure you have a support of people who can listen and advise when needed. There are a number of resources in town that can help guide you or hire a business coach or consultant, someone like me who is here to help you brainstorm, and think through tough situations and assess the options for best outcomes.
No matter what we do, we all feel scared or anxious at times. At the Summit of Greatness this year, attendees were asked to pick their word of intent for the next year. I chose “Do it Scared”. I want to try some new things this year and I want to create some new offerings for small business owners. There is risk and I’m scared. So I think back to when I was little and did it scared. I may be scared, but as long as it’s not rock climbing and I can have my feet on the ground, following these same tips, I can do it!
Making Sense of it All
Here are my quick tips for getting it done even when you’re scared:
Use Forward Focus. Be forward thinking with your business. Have a clear vision and stay focused on that. Start each day asking yourself, “What can I do today that moves my business forward?” Don’t just ask yourself “what do I have to do today”; you must ask it with the purpose of moving forward.
Assess the terrain. Assess the business you are building. Think through the what-ifs. Know the options, assess all possibilities and move forward with your best educated decision.
Move slowly. Avoid quick decisions. Gather all the data you have and make your moves wisely. Business is not a race.
Let others have your back. Make sure you have a support of people who can listen and advise when needed.
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