In this article, I break-out components of Erie Forward plan that will be of importance to small businesses in our region.
At last week’s Erie Regional Chamber Annual meeting, CEO James Grunke CEO unveiled Erie Forward, a five-year regional economic and community development initiative. The mission of Erie Forward is to enhance economic growth, collaboration and talent development- building opportunities for all of Erie County’s citizens.
The Erie Forward plan invents $5.2 millions in five key pillars for future success: Existing Industry Support and Entrepreneurship; Workforce Development and Talent Attraction; New Business Attraction and Investment; Quality of Place, Advocacy; and Sustainability and Regional Competitiveness and Collaboration. The full plan further explains each pillar into goal and action steps on pages 6-10.
A strong focus of the chamber-lead plan will be marketing the region and executing workforce development and business attraction in seven around core industries.
One measurable target is the creation of a minimum of 2,000 new jobs in the region mainly from the seven key industry sectors, with an economic output of over $465 million over the next five years. See page 14 of Erie Forward Plan for all economic impact numbers.
The jobs creation is broken down into the targeted sectors as follows: 400 jobs in life sciences; 700 in high value-added manufacturing; 200 in food and beverage processing; 300 in high-value business services; 100 in tech, gaming and digital, and 300 in year-round experiential recreation.
The plan is aggressive. It will be good for our region but what does all this mean to a small business owner? As a Small Business Coach, I read through the Erie Forward plan with you in mind. I kept asking, “What is most relevant to the small businesses I work with every day?” The plan is important to all of us as a community, but below are my selections that may be more relevant in supporting you and your business. Some are new announcements regarding improved resources and others are areas of opportunities that you may want to consider as you formulate your business’s strategic plan for the next five years.
The Erie Regional Chamber as the central hub
Many times in conversation we hear someone say they don’t know where to go for help or that there is a lot of duplication of efforts. The Erie Regional Chamber will serve as the central hub for all work being done in economic development and business support. The Chamber won’t be the provider of every program or service but will work to establish ownership and clarify rolls around a single economic strategy. If you have questions about economic development, job training or anything relating to commerce, start here.
Help is nearby
The Erie Forward plan makes an even greater commitment to helping businesses thrive. “Erie Forward gives the Chamber the added capacity to meet with more business owners and help connect them to the resources needed to keep their lights on, doors open, and customers happy. “ said Lesley Ridge Allen, Business Adviser with the Erie Regional Chamber. “As a small business owner, your time should be spent working on or in your business – not worrying about how to cut through red tape, or connect with a supplier. That’s where the Erie Regional Chamber’s Business Action Team comes in. We want to be your first phone call – your personal Wikipedia of all things Erie business needs and resources.”
Through a formal business calling program, there will be visits to all of the region’s top 50 employers and a minimum of 250 visits to all business size and types, in order to gain information about successes, struggles and where the Chamber can help. As Ridge Allen explains, “Erie Forward will create an environment for us to identify and troubleshoot common small business hurdles so that we can continue fostering a thriving economic environment. It also creates an avenue for the Business Action Team to implement unique pilot programs to generate expansion opportunities for existing businesses.” Last year, one pilot program was the Business Action Team Road Show and it will return to the streets in 2020. The purpose of the “road show” is to meet business owners where they are – their storefront – and assisting them by provide access to information, education, and people.
More programs and educational opportunities
The Erie Regional Chamber is committed to increasing the number of programming events and workshops. Amanda Kochirka, Director of Programming at the Erie Regional Chamber shared this, “The Erie Chamber has a full calendar of programming set for 2020 including the popular webinars and seminars, which will be held twice monthly, and the quarterly ATHENA Speaks series, along with new programs including Master Classes and a Diversity and Inclusion series.”
Master Classes will be held quarterly and are three-hour deep dives into designated topics – the first will be on Networking on January 22nd. The Diversity and Inclusion series is a quarterly partnership program with Tesha Nesbit-Arrington of Erie Insurance and it will present strategy and implementation guidance when it comes to making D&I part of your company culture.
Kochirka also announced, “The Erie Ambassador program is back and better than ever, starting in late March. Check our website – for programming updates or via email for those who are on the Chamber’s mailing list.”
A growing economy
In order to grow, we need to bring NEW dollars INTO the region. We can’t just continue to trade dollars with one another. Our efforts need to also attract business from non-residents. If you are a unique retailer with a brick and mortar in Erie, you can help your business and the Erie economy by targeting social media posts to visitors from the surrounding regions. Consider growing your online sales to reach new markets that will bring new dollars into our economy. If we do more to promote our region and our city to those outside our area, people will be made more aware of opportunities here and it will help move us all forward.
Support for Erie downtown
There is a big movement to make downtown Erie a vibrant hub of commercial and cultural activity for all members of our region. The Erie Regional Chamber will advocate for a vibrant downtown commercial district and support all appropriate partners such as the EDDC and Erie Downtown Partnership. If you are looking to expand by opening a new location or are looking for a location, keep an eye on downtown Erie.
Opportunities in target industries
Among the targeted industry sectors listed above, there is great opportunity for small business in the year-round experiential recreation sector. This is defined as unique retail, ecotourism, breweries, wineries, upscale accommodations, spectator sports and performing arts and culture. Another area of opportunity for small business is in the agriculture and aquaculture sector such as greenhouse crops, bakery, breweries and wineries.
Total projected impact on jobs is the addition of 3206 over five years. This will have a yearly impact of $131,579,358 on disposable income and add $118,539,844 to consumer spending. If you are a small business selling needed goods or services or even in a sector that is most often purchased with discretionary income, adding new jobs will be felt by everyone.
Enhanced air service
The Erie Regional Chamber is committed to advocating and supporting expanded air service. Having connections to major hubs like Chicago and Charlotte is critical to expanding our economy. In addition, this will help connect you to other economies and make it much easier for people to travel to ours.
Making Sense of it all
There is a lot to the Erie Forward Plan. Here are the points that I selected as important to small business.
Central Hub - The Erie Regional Chamber will serve as the central hub for all work being done in economic development and business support.
Help is nearby - Erie Regional Chamber’s Business Action Team will have more resources to help connect you to the resources needed to keep your business operating and serving your customers.
More programming and educational opportunities - The Erie Regional Chamber will increase the number of programming and workshops along with new programs including Master Classes and a Diversity and Inclusion series.
A growing economy - In order to grow the region, we need to bring NEW dollars INTO the region. Erie Forward will bring new dollars into our economy.
Support for Erie downtown - The Erie Regional Chamber will advocate for a vibrant downtown commercial district and support all appropriate partners such as EDDC and Erie Downtown Partnership.
Opportunities in target industries - Among the targeted industry sectors listed above, there is great opportunity for small business in the year-round experiential recreation sector. See the plan for complete list.
Jobs - Total projected impact on jobs is the addition of 3206 over five years. If you are a small business selling needed goods or services or even in a sector that is most often purchased with discretionary income, the Erie Forward Plan of adding new jobs will be felt by everyone.
Enhanced air service - The Erie Regional Chamber is committed to advocating and supporting expanded air service. Having connections to major hubs like Chicago and Charlotte is critical to expanding our economy.
Erie Forward is a comprehensive plan. As James Grunke stated in his message to the community, “We have a responsibility to assure our economy can provide for the wealth and well-being of all out citizens. Erie Forward will provide us with a thoughtful and thorough blueprint to guide the process.”
There’s a lot to the Erie Forward plan so I hope this summary helps save you time and gives you an understanding of some of the key points that relate to a small business. Small business is important to every community and I’m passionate about supporting small business owners. You can learn more about small business coaching or contact me for a free coaching consultation by visiting Barb Weber Coaching.